require_once "../inc/header.php";
require_once "../inc/top-en.php";
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer[$i] = fgets($handle);
echo $buffer[$rand];
Hello and welcome here, dear wanderer of the Net,
this is my personal website. You will not find any really useful information here, results of my work are spread across various places of the Net. But if you find it worth your time, you can learn here something about me instead.
Anička and work: I am taking part in the development of SUSE Linux distribution.
Anička and sources: Assorted heap of more or less useful hacks:
Anvil (system that my blog is running), umpf (for people who do not like procmail syntax), brum (utility for sorting e-mail over IMAP, it will be replaced by umpf functionality one day)
, obluda - generator of random names, the cuckoo clock, menstruation calendar for a girl's .profile, a bit faster (almost)sha... and some more things.
Anička and writing: I have written loads of articles about Linux, most of them for Czech magazines živě.cz and I am afraid that articles in Czech might be of no use for you, but do not worry, there is nearly nothing you could not learn from Slashdot anyway.
Anička and the game of go: go is my favourite board game. I am not able to spend so much time playing on tournaments as when I was a kid, but I still love it. See how I am doing right now.
require_once "../inc/bottom.php";
require_once "../inc/footer.php";